
Showing posts from November, 2017
Description of activities for the group 1) I never... With this game you can get to know people better. The chips of this game are any items, such as coins, toothpicks and so on. The game begins like this: the first participant says what he did not do in his life ("I never ..."). All other participants in the game who did this, must give one chip to this player. The winner is the one who has the largest number of chips by the end of the game. 2 ) Playing the imagination "Dixit" The rules of the game are simple, but you need some inventory - special cards. In general, there is a real game, it's called Dixit (Dixit), but not everyone can afford it. Therefore, you can create some of its elements yourself. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surrealism. For example - a mowing anchor, in the middle of the desert. What associations come to mind? They need to be formulated in one phrase - and voic
I really liked one section.   Very interesting game of light. This section is devoted to signs and sounds. Overall it was good , but I did not like that there was nowhere to sit and a lot of people , even the shelves will not fit. I was hoping to find new books there. And in the end it was like a big bookstore. I think that you could do without bookstores. A lot of interesting lectures can easily do without a store at their side.
KRYAKK. I long pressed such an event as KRYAKK to see with their own eyes what is so interesting there. A lot of people from different countries. Each shop is not like the other. I even bought a few badges. Shops with souvenirs were quite a big success at this fair. There were some interesting lectures. There were playgrounds for children and rest areas.  Overall I liked the event , but a lot of people and even jackets have nowhere to pass.   The End.