Monument to children of war

Directions from the Institute is presented in the screenshot:

For the celebration of the 60th anniversary of victory in world war II on 7 may 2005 was a monument to children of war in Krasnoyarsk. The monument has an unusual fate, because its establishment was achieved for almost 9 years. The society "blockade" proposed the idea of the monument in 1996. In 2001, the Company collected 2,500 rubles, and it needed 500,000. The city Treasury allocated 200,000 rubles (only for paving stones), but this was not enough. They needed more money and announced the collection (donation) of money among the local residents of Krasnoyarsk. And only the necessary amount was collected by 2004. 

The authors of the monument were: sculptor Konstantin Zinich and architect Andrew Kasatkin. The sculptor posed his own children: daughter 8-year-old Karim and 5-year-old son Ernest. They posed in special clothes, a girl with a piece of bread, a daily ration of Leningrad, and a boy with a can, in which they carried water from the Neva river for drinking. The children's figures are made of bronze and cast in Yekaterinburg, and the pedestal is made of granite. And behind the back of the children sleigh which transported the dead to the mass graves and the lattice of the Leningrad summer garden.

The view in winter

The problem is not only the money with the installation of the monument was, but with the proposed location. In 2001 the place on the square before the Victory Memorial was chosen, but then the decision in 2003 was changed to the place, near the regional court building. But then there was a monument to the goddess Themis. A monument to the children of war in Krasnoyarsk is installed at the intersection of Peace street and the Paris Commune and behind the children's figures housed a hospital during the war.

3,000 people were taken to Krasnoyarsk from the besieged Leningrad. All people treat military monuments with trepidation, and the monuments dedicated to children touch the heart, even the most callous people, who are usually indifferent to the suffering of others. Near the monument to children of war in Krasnoyarsk people gather not only on big holidays, to honor the memory of the children who died during the war, but also all those who died in other wars. All year round at the monument are fresh flowers.

I liked the monument very much, photographed in the winter. History is fascinating.

  • Perfectly77%
  • Very good19%
  • Not bad4%
  • Bad0%
  • Very bad

Old monument-No
A new monument-Yes
A place where you can spend time-No
located near the road-Yes

According to a poll of people near a monument to the 4 of 7 people know this monument. I want to have more of these monuments.


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