Uncle Yasha and Trainee

The monument ucle Yasha and Trainee is located to Paris commune 41. This monument is difficult to find , because it is near the road on the edge of the street and there are few people walking. Directions from the Institute is presented in the screenshot:
The opening of the composition took place in September 2003. The sculpture has become an original gift for the 90th anniversary of the company.
The figures of an elderly, experienced locksmith, sticking out of the manhole, and his young student, listening to the instructions of the elder, are made of bronze.

When the leadership of "Vodokanal" decided to create a monument to the workers of their field of activity, any specific idea did not arise. During the discussion, one day I remembered an anecdote: "an Experienced plumber climbs out of the manhole and, wiping his forehead on his sleeve, says to his disciple: "Learn, son, but then so will all my keys to file". It is this funny story that became the plot of the composition.The author of the sculpture said that he created the figures of workers, looking at his reflection in the mirror, and their faces sculpted by whim. Amazing fact that struck employees "Vodokanal": it turned out that Created kiyanitsynym student is very similar to a real employee of the company, Jacob Zubkov, locksmith, who worked in the team for almost 30 years.

The composition was conceived as a humorous sculpture, and it turned out to be kind, original and beloved not only by the staff of the "Vodokanal", but by all residents of Krasnoyarsk.

In 2005 the composition " Uncle Yasha and the trainee "was recognized as the winner of the all – Russian local lore competition - "the most amusing monument". This happened thanks to the eighth-grader Lena Clondy. She wrote a funny story and sent it along with the photo to the jury. The sculpture "Uncle Yasha and trainee" had the jury like the simplicity and "nation". As passers-by love to stroke their noses.

According to a survey that took place near the monument, 2 out of 8 people said they knew the monument, most of whom were not sure where it was located. This monument and the point is that all knowledge and skills are transferred from the older to the younger generation.

According to the results of the city survey, the majority of citizens liked this monument .


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