A man with a dog

The monument a man with a dog is located to Lomonosov street 7. Directions from the Institute is presented in the screenshot:

There are many interesting monuments in Krasnoyarsk, but the most unusual of them can be called a bronze composition "a Man with a dog" by the famous city sculptor K. M. Zinich.

This monument was solemnly presented to Krasnoyarsk residents in October 2005 at the opening of the square of Lovers and became so popular that the author a year later was awarded the Grand Prix at the Russian sculpture competition in the nomination "Best national idea".

Valentine's square is one of The fantastic sites in the city. It appeared according to the plan of the local businessman and President of the Corporation "Imperial" O.

Shaban and is located near his restaurant "Oleg" in the historical center of the city at the intersection of Lomonosov and Decembrists. The unique steam clock, which has no analogues in the world, gives a special cultural value to this place.

Their four-meter body is made in this blacksmith shop in the form of an ancient tower, on each side of which is on the dial.

The sand mechanism is especially striking-after 15 minutes they turn over the transparent flask filled with sand. A unique device informs about the beginning of a new hour by ferry and whistle.

Uncle Vasya at night, he looks good in the light of lanterns

A colorful bronze sculpture is located right in front of the sand-steam clock. The plot pretty tipsy man.

The main character is very elegantly dressed. To not fall, one hand he firmly held on to a lamppost, and the other tenderly compresses bottle with hot drink to drink.

The draft version of the work was limited to a lonely figure of a mountain drunkard, but for a better disclosure of the topic, the author decided to portray also a dog.

The smart dog is clearly interested in our hero, he playfully looks at him and quietly does his little things right on his shoes.

Steam clock in front of which is a monument

The man with the dog " was on the square Lovers is not accidental. According to the ideological inspirer of the monument, O. Shaban, a bronze composition in a playful way shows how to behave in society.

The sculpture turned out to be alive and so emotional that Krasnoyarsk lovingly nicknamed her Uncle Vasya — a drunkard.The man with the dog " was on the square Lovers is not accidental. According to the ideological inspirer of the monument, O. Shaban, a bronze composition in a playful way shows how to behave in society.

The sculpture turned out to be alive and so emotional that Krasnoyarsk lovingly nicknamed her Uncle Vasya — a drunkard.

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According to the results of the city survey, the majority of citizens liked this monument .

Anyone who has been near the monument, be sure to happiness rubbed the nose of uncle Vasya, and along with the dog. Perhaps for moreover, to happiness time come certainly.


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