The monument to the designer
The monument to the designer is located on Respubliki street, 51. Directions from the Institute is presented in the screenshot:

The monument was built on 10.08.2014. Krasnoyarsk sculptor Tatyana Kuzmina created the monument to the designer. The whole composition is made of artificial stone, painted metal. Table, chair, included computer, tablet, coffee Cup-everything you need to work. In General," dedicated to all lovers of creativity", as the inscription on the sculpture.

This story happened a few years ago, - says project Director Maxim Pukhov.  One talented young designer has worked day and night, doing an important project. He worked late, ran home. In a hurry he forgot the jacket thrown on a chair back in which pocket just there was a flash drive with his works. On the way home it hit by a car... Man after two months in the hospital, barely saved the man... Now, thank God, he is alive and well – works in publishing. After that, the idea to create a sculpture designer. This is a unique person who always works. He has no weekends and lunch breaks: the designer drinks coffee, tea, smokes – all at the Desk.

By the way, have already come up with a sign: the sculpture will bring good luck if you put on it a flash drive or a disk with a developed layout. After that, you will be successful in your career.
But, if the place of the designer sits a person far from this profession, write "lost" - he may lose his job.

On the monument are several inscriptions, one of which is the poem "Come Friday night, people go to the pub,
And you sit with your business cards like a fucking fool."

According to a survey that took place near the monument, 2 out of 7 people said they knew the monument, most of whom were not sure where it was located. It is located in the yard.


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