The monument to the saints Peter and Fevronia

 Directions from the Institute is presented in the screenshot:

The purpose of the monuments, according to the president of the program Alexander Kovtunts, is "the creation of a positive image of family values, loyal and chaste relationships, love and devotion in marriage, the birth and upbringing of children in the spirit of love for the Motherland." It is assumed that the newlyweds will lay flowers at the foot of the monuments . The opening of monuments, as a rule, is timed to the celebration of the Family Day, 2008, established in 2008, love and fidelity (July 8).

He is located on a granite pedestal in the square near the Palace of Labor and Concord. Peter and Fevronia of Murom - spouses, saints, with their lives reflecting spiritual values ​​and ideals. They are considered Orthodox patrons of the family and marriage, the Russian symbol of love and loyalty. The day of Peter and Fevronia is often contrasted with another Catholic holiday - Valentine's Day. Today, to profess Western values ​​is becoming less popular. This sculpture is installed in the Soviet area in order to promote not only the Russian holiday of the family, love and loyalty, but also the family as the most important social institution.

  • Perfectly

  • Very good

  • Not bad

  • Bad

  • Very bad

Old monument-No
A new monument-Yes
A place where you can spend time-Yes
located near the road-No

According to a poll of people near a monument to the 4 of 7 people know this monument. And this is good , because people should know this monument.


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