Children of war

 Directions from the Institute is presented in the screenshot:

The initiators of the monument "Children of war" in the past 9 years have worked to ensure that work has begun on the epitome of perpetuating the memory of the children who survived the difficult years of the war. The mastermind behind this monument was made by the society "Blockade" in 1996. But there were financial problems: 500 000 rubles were required to implement the idea. Members of the public were able to collect only 2,500 rubles.

Assistance was provided by the city authorities: from the city Treasury for the monument has allocated 20,000 rubles (laying pavers). The necessary amount could be collected only in 2004, thanks to donations Krasnoyarsk. Pictures were taken in winter.

However, the problems were not only financial. For a long time could not decide where to install the monument. In the beginning the place on the square in front of the Victory Memorial was offered. Then, in July, 2003, the decision of city administration allocated a place opposite the building of regional court. But in September of the same year there establish a statue of the goddess Themis. Place for the monument to" children of war " has not been chosen.

In the end, it was decided to set it in a small Park at the intersection of prospect Mira and streets of the Paris Commune. By the way, the place was not chosen by chance. Behind the bronze children's figures is the building where the hospital was located in the war years. There to wounded children came to support fighters a kind word, and sometimes and gifts.

When creating the composition, the sculptor was posed by his own children: 8-year-old daughter Karim and 5-year-old son Ernest. They posed in the clothes characteristic of that time, holding a daily ration of Leningrad – a girl with a piece of bread, and a boy with a can, such as wore water from the Neva river. Behind the kids is the lattice of the summer garden in Leningrad, and sleds. It is on these sleds transported the victims to the mass graves.

The monument is made of bronze, cast in Yekaterinburg. The pedestal - from granite. The composition was named "children of war"by the decision of the city Council of veterans and Krasnoyarsk administration.

All year round are flowers

The monument perpetuates the grief and eternal memory of the children who survived those terrible and hungry times. Krasnoyarsk citizens often come here and bring fresh flowers.

Old monument-No
A new monument-Yes
A place where you can spend time-No
located near the road-Yes

The view of the city

  • Perfectly77%
  • Very good19%
  • Not bad4%
  • Bad0%
  • Very Bad0%

According to a poll of people near a monument to the 3 of 6 people know this monument. And this is good , because people should know this monument.


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