The fountain and sculpture of the Bremen town musicians

 Directions from the Institute is presented in the screenshot:

This masterpiece can be considered a monument in Krasnoyarsk, established in 2006 near the Palace of culture named "may". The author of the composition is Alexander Tkachuk, a well-known sculptor in Krasnoyarsk, a teacher at the Krasnoyarsk state art Institute, a member of the Union of the artist of Russia. The sculpture became the center of the square, near it made a fountain that resembles a bridge (according to the architect of the project Andrei Kasatkin, symbolizing the road to creativity). Three times a day – at 8:00, 12:00 and 20:00 – from the speakers there is a rooster cry and a verse of the song "We came to you for an hour."

The monument is set in a renovated square near the Palace of culture "may 1". The center of the square was a sculptural composition, not far from it made a fountain. According to the authors ' idea, the fountain resembles a bridge - it is a symbolic sign that opens the way and leads the visitors to the square to creativity, art, music and everything beautiful.
Three times a day - at 8 am, 12 and 20 hours - from the speakers is heard the cock's cry and the verse "We have called you for an hour".

Old monument-No
A new monument-Yes
A place where you can spend time-Yes
located near the road-No

According to a poll of people near a monument to the 2 of 8 people know this monument. And this is good , because people should know this monument.

The view of the city

  • Perfectly60%
  • Very good25%
  • Not bad10%
  • Bad5%
  • Very Bad

Historical value
moderately, 3.00
Cultural value
moderately, 3.00
Good, 5.00
Transport accessibility
Good, 5.00
moderately, 3.00
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